
From August 2008 through this past spring—nearly nine years—I blogged regularly then semi-regularly then off-and-on then almost never on a blog called Resident Theology, which I created the month I began my MDiv studies at Emory University. I posted 60 times in 2008, 193 in 2009, 156 in 2010, 100 in 2011, 88 in 2012, then a total of 61 in the last four and a half years. The downturn coincided with the beginning of my doctoral work at Yale in fall 2011, and as comps and dissertating and bona fide publishing began to take over my time, blogging fell by the wayside.

Well, the dissertation is completed and submitted, and this fall I begin a new chapter in my vocation as a theologian and academic: Assistant Professor of Theology at Abilene Christian University. To mark the occasion, I am officially concluding the run of Resident Theology and starting up a new blog, very cleverly titled Resident Theologian. I plan on developing a much more rigorous posting schedule, hopefully 2-4 times a week, sometimes of normal-ish blog post size (whatever that is), sometimes quite small. I made countless connections and acquaintances and actual friendships through my former blogging life, and I want to re-enter that world beyond the occasional Twitter thread. I also want to form good writing habits through the discipline of short but common writing stints, and blogging serves that well.

So that's the idea. I'm in the middle of a move at the moment, so the posts may be a bit delayed, but I wanted to go ahead and get the blog up and going, so that it's here when fancy strikes. Looking forward to this new venture. Until next time.

The thing about “everyone"