My latest: three podcast interviews

I’ve been on three different podcasts over the last month and have neglected to link to them here as they appeared.

First, I went on Curiously, Kaitlyn, which is Kaitlyn Schiess’s new spin-off as part of The Holy Post’s growing roster of podcasts. (Esau McCaulley has another one coming later this year, I believe.) Kaitlyn asked me why we can trust the Bible. We had a great conversation.

Next, I went on The Christian Chronicle Podcast to talk about Christian nationalism with BT Irwin. I initially declined, and only joined once I learned how thoughtful and serious BT is as an interviewer and journalist. It turned out to be a pleasure.

Finally, I went on Memorize What Matters to talk about biblical illiteracy, literal illiteracy, and the role of Scripture in a postliterate age. Josh Summers is doing neat work on that podcast, YouTube channel, and larger project of helping folks commit Scripture to memory. Recommended!


My latest: on faithful fathers, in CT


The Acolyte