New essay published in Comment

I’m in Comment today with an essay on gratitude to God. It’s called “Grace Upon Grace,” and here’s how it starts:

Gratitude to God is at the heart of Christian faith and theology. One comes to see the specific character of Christian gratitude—or rather, of Christian talk about gratitude—through an examination of the role it plays within, and the shape it receives from, the doctrine of God. For the doctrine of God is not only of God but extends to all things in relation to God. What it means to speak of God truthfully thus bears directly on our understanding of creation, redemption, humanity, virtue, and the church. Gratitude becomes a sort of red thread common to these topics, descending from the heights into the nooks and crannies of our daily lives.

The essay traces the role of thanksgiving through the whole dogmatic corpus, displaying its internal grammar and its intrinsic connection to Christ. Read on for the whole thing.


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