My latest: why baptism isn’t optional, in CT

This week Christianity Today published a long column from me—more than 3,000 words!—on baptism. It’s called “Baptism Is Not Optional,” which pretty much cuts to the heart of the matter. I texted a link to a friend and said, “I’ve never been more CoC … or catholic.” And that’s the truth.

Here’s an excerpt from the introduction:

We don’t, thank God, burn or drown fellow Christians over baptism anymore. In fact, talking about baptism today—about getting it right in doctrine and practice and hence about ways of getting it wrong—feels like breaking a ceasefire. Our present ecumenical peace is hard won and fragile. Why threaten to disturb it?

My answer is simple: The truth matters, baptism matters, and too many churches handle baptism in the lackadaisical, emotive, and diminishing way I see in my classroom. So, let’s actually talk about what baptism is, what it isn’t, and what Scripture and tradition teach about it.

Cards on the table: I hold a full-blown, whole-hog “high sacramental” view of baptism. It’s a visible word of the gospel; it’s a means of grace; it’s an effective sign. By the power of God’s Word and Spirit, baptism does what baptism says: It washes you clean. It gives you Christ; it gives you his Spirit; it gives you his saving grace. “Baptism,” as the apostle Peter succinctly puts it, “saves you” (1 Pet. 3:21, RSV throughout).

Read the whole thing here.


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Robert Farrar Capon on God, matter, wine, and things