Jenson's passing: tributes, links, and resources

Last week the great American theologian Robert W. Jenson died, at 87 years old. In addition to a remembrance I wrote myself (linked below), a number of other obituaries and tributes have appeared online, so I thought I would gather them together, along with further Jenson-related primary and secondary resources.

(If you have a link for me to add, mention it in the comments, on Twitter @eastbrad, or by email: bxe03a AT acu DOT edu.)

Remembering Jenson:

Victor Lee Austin: "Can These Bones Live? A Sermon Preached at Jenson's Funeral"

Carl E. Braaten: "Encomium for an Evangelical Catholic: Robert Jenson (1930–2017)"

Christian Century: "Robert Jenson, theologian revered by many of his peers, dies at age 87"

Christianity Today: "Died: Robert Jenson, 'America's Theologian'"

Brad East: "Rest in peace: Robert W. Jenson (1930–2017)"

Kim Fabricius: "Clerihew for Robert W. Jenson (1930–2017)"

Paul R. Hinlicky: "Robert Jenson and the God of the Gospel"

Scott Jones: "Can These Bones Live?"

Alvin F. Kimel, Jr.: "Reminiscences and Memories"

Peter Leithart: "Remembering Jenson"

Mars Hill Audio: "In Memoriam: Robert W. Jenson (1930–2017)"

Elizabeth Palmer: "Robert Jenson and the Search for the Divine Feminine"

R. R. Reno: "Robert W. Jenson, R.I.P."

Fred Sanders: "3 Favorite Robert Jenson Moments"

Secondary Resources:

Brad East: "What is the Doctrine of the Trinity For? Practicality and Projection in Robert Jenson's Theology"

Colin E. Gunton, ed.: Trinity, Time, and Church: A Response to the Theology of Robert W. Jenson

David Bentley Hart: "The Lively God of Robert Jenson"

Ben Myers: "Robert W. Jenson and Solveig Lucia Gold: Conversations with Poppi about God"

Wolfhart Pannenberg: "Systematic Theology: Volumes I & II"

Fred Sanders: "Unintended Consequences of Shoving (Robert W. Jenson)"

Brian K. Sholl: "On Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Thought"

Scott R. Swain: The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology

Stephen John Wright: Dogmatic Aesthetics: A Theology of Beauty in Dialogue With Robert W. Jenson

Stephen John Wright and Chris E. W. Green, ed.: The Promise of Robert W. Jenson's Theology: Constructive Engagements

Primary Resources:

"Don't Thank Me, Thank the Holy Spirit" (Crackers and Grape Juice Podcast, 2017)

A Theology in Outline: Can These Bones Live? (ed. Adam Eitel; OUP, 2016)

"Ecumenism's Strange Future" (Living Church, 2014)

"On 'the Philosophy that Attends to Scripture'" (Syndicate, 2014)

"It's the Culture" (First Things, 2014)

"Reversals: How My Mind Has Changed" (The Christian Century, 2010)

"The Burns Lectures on 'The Regula Fidei and Scripture'" (University of Otago, New Zealand, 2009)

"A Theological Autobiography, to Date" (dialog, 2007)

"God's Time, Our Time: An Interview with Robert W. Jenson" (The Christian Century, 2006)

"Reading the Body" (The New Atlantis, 2005)

Song of Songs (Interpretation; WJKP, 2005)

"Can We Have a Story?" (First Things, 2000)

Systematic Theology: Volume I: The Triune God (OUP, 1997)

"How the World Lost Its Story" (First Things, 1993)

Christian Dogmatics (with Carl E. Braaten; Fortress, 1984)

Story and Promise: A Brief Theology of the Gospel About Jesus (Fortress, 1973)

16 tips for how to read a passage from the Gospels


Rest in peace: Robert W. Jenson (1930–2017)